Providing the Best Services Available

Our work with Clients ranges from one off assignments such as audits, implementation of Health & Safety management systems, gap reviews and bespoke training, to provision of on-going support via our Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor Service.

Ladder Inspections

Ladders must be inspected every time they are used and must receive a formal inspection every 6 months. With ladders causing so many injuries and deaths, the HSE do not excuse ignorance of ladder safety. Adapt will ensure your ladders are safe with a formal inspection, documentation is as intended and your staff know how to be safe using ladders.

The benefits are not to be understated. The likelihood of a ladder getting you into serious legal trouble and costing you a fortune even when no one has been injured is highly likely.

Face Fit Testing

Dust and gas are lethal to human beings so it is important that you not only wear a mask but that it actually works. Face fit testing is therefore absolutely imperative otherwise you open your staff to lots of life-changing illnesses and even death. The benefits are extensive, cost, staff retention, project development, reputation, etc.

We can help by providing not only the training for face fit testing but also checking ourselves whether or not your staff are safe.

Wellbeing Advisor

As part of our modern health and safety ideal, we include the services of a wellbeing advisor. Life is hard and it is important that when you are working you are always doing so to best of your ability. But unfortunately, sometimes things get the better of all of us so allow our experience with mental health to help you. It will help your social life, personal life and professional life.

Health & Safety Training

Generally speaking, staff are happier if they feel their work has an impact on the business as a whole. Training is one way to do this. Health and safety training is ideal because it is the most transferable skill, easy to learn and will help anyone do their job better.

We offer training courses that can teach your staff a number of health and safety topic areas like working at height to trip hazards. Preventing injury is brilliant for not only staff retention and health but also upholds an outstanding reputation.

CDM advisor & document producer

CDM Advisor & Document Producer

A construction project is a highly complex job with lots of moving parts even right at the top with the client, principal designer and principal contractor. These parties need to work together effectively to prevent the chances of mistakes being made or blame being shifted around, which can delay projects and become expensive. Fortunately, we know the law and we know people so will ensure that everyone understands their role and responsibilities meaning there are fewer disagreements and more happy faces for all parties involved.

Risk Assessment Writing

Risk assessments are inescapable. Wherever you go these are not far behind, which can be a pain because while they aren’t overly complicated, there are boxes they have to tick, so don’t waste your time we have professionals with 25+ years of experience who can write you a top-notch risk assessment for whenever you need it.

These are essential documentation and they are the first thing the HSE want when something goes wrong so the biggest benefit of us writing your risk assessment is that you don’t have too.

General Health & Safety Advice

Sometimes all you need is a professional to tell you what you need to do or what you are doing is perfectly fine. A member of our team is always available for a phone call, email or even a coffee, whatever you need to ensure your knowledge is up to date and that what you are doing is good from a health and safety point of view.

Management System Development

Health and safety management systems

What are the benefits and legal requirements?

Helps manage risk – documented safe systems, method statements and risk assessments, permit systems

Meets legislative requirements – H&S policy, documented procedures

Helps with accreditations – a requirement for CHAS, construction line and other SIPPs schemes

Improve productivity/performance – all processes are documented staff to follow

Gives consistency – allows all staff to operate in the same way even if remote working or from satellite sites

A formal management system or framework can help you manage health and safety Examples include:

national and international standards such as:

ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems (replacing 18001)

BS EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality management system

Outside of these certified Management Systems many companies and bussinesses will operate to HSG65

Although the language and methodology vary, the key actions can usually be traced back to Plan, Do, Check, Act.

What can Adapt H&S do for you?

Set up a management system with all the required documents and templates to ensure legal compliance

Have a system that allows submission for CHAS, construction line and other SIPPs schemes

Review and update all current policies and procedures to ensure that incorporate any legislative changes

Support the development of the system to attain ISO accreditation.

Simple gap analysis of current system

Policy & Procedure Development

At Adapt, we aim for a modern Health and Safety program. One in which we help your business and culture to develop and become better and safer because we know that a good and healthy means staff work better and harder, and having good policy and procedure will benefit, cost, staff protection and retention, and of course legislative protection as well.

One of our team will sit with you and help you come up with an effective and simple policy that will guide your business and your health and safety.

Procedure is then vital, the method of turning policy into action, which takes constant support in the form of reviews and adjustments right up until the day your policy has been full-filled.

Site Audits & Inspections

Inspections are incredibly important as they will make you compliant with legislation. Whereas an audit will reveal whereabouts you are not compliant with legislation.

Our inspection services are extensive and performed by professionals. Inspections are vital in ensuring compliance, which will consequently cut costs, the number of accidents and the likelihood of getting successfully prosecuted.

Audits will have all the same benefits but they also give a foundation on which we can start to recognise where you are not compliant with legislation and begin building a strong health and safety culture that will benefit staff health, productivity and general safety around your site.

Accident Incident Investigations

Why investigate accidents and incidents in the workplace?

By identifying the root cause for accidents and incidents you can reduce the likelihood of a recurrence. The benefits of this include:

  • Increased moral – staff feel their health, safety and wellbeing is taken seriously
  • Reduce cost – remedial training, loss of production, sickness/absences, replacement of materials, fines, bad publicity
  • Lower insurance premiums – many insurers offer discounts for companies acting proactively to reduce accidents
  • Reduce likelihood of prosecution – repeated accidents within a workplace will draw the attention of the HSE
  • Increased productivity – less equipment and staff down time dealing with investigations and remedial action

Many accident/incident investigations only ever succeed in identifying immediate or underlying cause. While this addresses the event in the short term it is unlikely to stop a recurrence.

Establishing root cause is vital to ensure that if an accident or incident happens that the right controls are put in place to stop this recurring repeatedly.

Adapt H&S have over 25 years of experience in establishing the true root cause of accidents and incidents. We work with businesses to ensure the correct controls are put in place to stop recurrence of accidents, saving both time and money and helping protect reputations.