Ladder Safety

According to the HSE, falls when working at height are the highest cause of workplace fatalities, responsible for a quarter of worker deaths and 8% of all non-fatal injuries.

The Ladder Association sets out guidance for using ladders safely. It is important that ladders are only used when it is safe to do so, such as level, secure and stable.

All individuals using ladders at work should have training to ensure that they are competent. All ladders should be checked before use to ensure that they are safe to use. A check should be completed every day before any work begins, by the individual using the ladder and when there is a change, for example, the ladder has moved. The check should ensure it checks all areas of the ladder such as the stiles, the feet, the rungs, the locking mechanism, the stepladder platform and the steps or treads on the ladder.

It is important to be aware that you have a responsibility for yourself and others, therefore any safety issues should be reported to the employer and use of the ladder stopped. It is also your responsibility to ensure all ladders are being used correctly and as guided.

Leaning ladders and stepladders have guides printed by the Ladder Association and HSE which should be studied and followed by all ladder users. It is important to be aware that it is not only the ladder that should be considered in relation of safety during use, but also the environment in which the ladder is being used. Accidents can also occur if a ladder is not being used in the environment correctly, for example, not being secured or being used on a slippy, wet floor. Ladders should be used in places where it is not possible for the general public to gain access, walk under it or around it.

A formal inspection should be completed at least every 6 months when using ladders, with all documentation completed and recorded where accessible. This allows for the identification of any changes to a ladder’s condition and safety since previous inspections. These inspections should be carried out and completed by a competent person.

Here at Adapt Health and Safety, we offer ladder inspections as part of our many services. Please get in touch for more information.